How to Write Signs for Eco

You can customise the style, size, color, and alignment of your text. You can also add pictures of items to your signs.

Use different tag names inside angle brackets <tagName> Text </tagName>.

For example: <b>This text is bold</b>

Text Style

Supports bold, italic, underlined, and strike through.

Bold <b>

Sign showing bold text

Italic <i>

Sign showing italic text

Underline <u>

Sign showing underline text

Strikethrough <s>

Sign showing strikethrough text

Text Size

Font size <size="1">

  • The text will automatically scale to fit the sign if you don't use this tag.

Text Alignment

Text alignment <align="right">

  • Use with font size to prevent auto-sizing!
  • The default alignment is center

Text Color

Font color <color=red>

  • Use a word or hex code that represents the color
    • You can use some basic color words, such as "red", "green", "blue", etc.
  • You can also use hexadecimal codes
    • 3 digit or 6 digit RGB
    • You can also add 2 digits for opacity (how transparent the color is). For example, <color=#ffffff00>.
    • You can find hexadecimal codes online or use a color picker tool such as coolors

New Line


  • If you use too many <br> tags, you can push some of your text off the board and make it float in the air.

Item Icons

Icon <ecoicon=IronBarItem>

Sign showing 1 Iron Bar

  • You can find the name of the item in the wiki or in the game by hovering over it in your inventory or storage.
  • The picture will automatically fill the available space on the sign.


You can combine different tags to create more complex signs. Here are some examples of common signs:

Price of an item in gold coins

<ecoicon name="GoldCoinItem"> x1 for <ecoicon name="IronBarItem">

Sign showing 1 Currency for 1 Iron Bar

Playing on Good Game?

We use two mods, Over9000SignPowerMod & jcdcdev.Eco.Signs to enhance our signs!

For example:

  • Multi Icon - </mulIco "MortaredStoneChairItem,MortaredStoneBenchItem,MortaredStoneTableItem,MortaredStoneDoorItem"> Sign showing 1 Currency for 1 Iron Bar
  • Online Player Count - </onlineCount>
These modded signs require you to look at the sign and run /sign register for changes to show

Message an Admin in game for help